

If you did not previously upload this at the beginning, please do so here.
Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (for persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, please mark both 'Yes' boxes)
If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often

12. Other family currently enrolled or enrolling at this school:

Please include students full name and current year level of other family enrolled or enrolling at this school

E.g. single parent, dual custody, foster care, access restrictions
Please select all which apply


Please advise if your child receives daily medication
Please ensure a copy of the student's immunisation record is attached at the beginning of this application

In the event of illness or injury requiring urgent medical treatment I consent for medical and/or hospital attention to be sought. (If Ambulance travel is required the cost is covered by the School Ambulance Cover)

Parents/Emergency Contact will be contacted immediately in these events. 

If prescription / other medication is sent to school with the student a note giving details of dosage and permission for School Staff to administer medication must accompany the student.

Parental permission is given for tutorial assistance as per funding guidelines
Travelling from school to various locations in the Darwin and outer Darwin area is often required for curriculum based activities.
25. Emergency Contacts

The first and second parent or guardian on page 6 will be the school's first and second priority contacts.

 You must provide at least two contacts here. 

  • I/we understand and accept that St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (here in known as the School) is a Christian community in which students are given the opportunity to deepen their understanding of catholic beliefs, clarify their values and develop real and practical concerns for others. The School philosophy encourages the development of personal responsibility in students, recognising and valuing individual differences, and encouraging the achievement of each one’s potential. The School provides an environment where gospel values are lived out, thus allowing students to experience the hope and optimism of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. I/we agree to support this religious dimension of the School. 

  • I/we accept and agree to support the standards of behaviour, discipline, and uniform which the School requires. 

  • I/we realise that in sending my child to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, I am undertaking certain financial commitments regarding school fees, uniforms, etc. I agree that Fees and Levies, as determined by the Principal and School Board, will be paid on receipt of Invoice. I also understand that pro-rata fees are payable for students commencing or leaving during term. If at any time and for any reason I should find myself unable to meet my financial obligations in full, I agree to contact the Finance Officer or Principal to make special interim arrangements. I understand that failure to do this will jeopardise my child’s ongoing enrolment in the School. Any expenses, costs or disbursements incurred by St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in recovering any outstanding monies, including debt collection agency fees and solicitors costs plus out of pocket expenses, shall be paid.

  • I/we agree that my child will take an active part in the various activities, including co-curricular, that are run as part of the School educational program, and that I will ensure their attendance at these activities. 

  • I/we understand the importance of parental involvement with the education of my child. I agree to assist in some capacity and I understand that some commitment will be expected of me. 

  • I/we understand and accept that the completion of this enrolment form does not guarantee enrolment. 

  • I/we understand and accept that attendance at an enrolment interview does not guarantee an enrolment offer being made. 

  • I/we have completed this application form fully and to the best of my/our knowledge. Further, I/we acknowledge and accept that if it can be demonstrated that I/we have withheld information relevant to the application/enrolment process, especially in relationto this student’s individual needs, medical conditions, health care requirements and/or Parenting Orders, then the enrolment may be refused or terminated on this ground.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
Draw signature|Type signatureClear


This information refers to Parents/Guardians residing at the same address as the student. 

For parent/guardian not residing at the same address please complete the section 'Alternative Family Details'. 

Parent / Guardian 1.

Parent / Guardian 2

E.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr.
E.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr.
If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often.
If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often.


If student resides at times with another family please provide details in Alternative Family section of this form.
39. Residential Address
E.g. Mr and Mrs D Smith
40. Postal Address
42. School Fee Billing

The following information is to be supplied if the Payment of School Fees is shared or from an alternative source. This information will be used in the Billing for the Fees.

E.g. Mr and Mrs D Smith


Alternative family details refers to other Parent/Guardian not residing at the same address as the student. 

This information is also required if the student resides at times with an alternative family during school terms. 

Alternative Parent/Guardian 1

Alternative Parent/Guardian 2

E.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr.
E.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr.
If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often.
If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often.


52. Residential Address

E.g. Mr and Mrs D Smith


The following information is required by the Australian Government and must be completed. It is used to measure the achievements of students from various backgrounds for national reporting. Individuals are not identified.

53. What is the highest year of primary or secondary school the parents/guardians have completed? 

(for persons who have never attended school, mark 'Year 9 or equivalent or below')

54. What is the highest level of the highest qualification the parents / guardians have completed? 

(mark only one box)

55. What is the occupation group of the Parent / Guardian? 

The following questions refer to the parental occupation group. Please select from the appropriate parental occupation from the attached list.

  • If the person is not currently in paid work but has had a job in the last 12 months or has retired in the last 12 months, please use the persons last occupation.

  • If the person has not been in paid work in the last 12 months, enter ‘8’ in the box below.

Please refer to the list of Parental Occupation Groups
Please refer to the list of Parental Occupation Groups


By completing the following information you are authorising the release of confidential information to help St Mary's support your child's leanring needs. 

To release information about my child’s learning needs such as: 

  • NAPLAN results (most recent)

  • Most recent school report• Speech reports

  • Hearing reports

  • Vision reports

  • Occupational therapy reports

  • Reading assessments

  • Paediatrician reports

  • Behaviour management plans

  • Psychological assessments

  • Recent PAT test results or other school based assessments

  • Any other information you think will help his/her schooling needs.

To: St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Draw signature|Type signatureClear


Dear Parent/Guardian, 

At certain times throughout the year, our students may have the opportunity to be photographed/filmed for our school publications, such as the school’s newsletter or external school websites and social media sites, or to promote the school in newspapers and other media.

The St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Darwin/ Catholic Education Office Diocese of Darwin may also wish to use student photographs/videos in print and online promotional, marketing, media and educational materials.

We would like your permission to use your child's photograph/video for the above purposes to which you agree. Please complete the permission form below, Y for yes or N for no, next the uses you consent to.

Thank you for your continued support.

NOTE: Please confirm your consent to the uses described below by ticking the relevant box. If you do not want your child's name used please select 'without name'. 

I give my consent to the School using my child's photograph/video (Y or N):

I give my consent to the St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Darwin/ Catholic Education Office Diocese of Darwin to use my child's photograph/video (Y or N):

I understand and agree that if I wish to withdraw any consent provided above, it is my responsibility to notify the school.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Any personal information will be stored, used and disclosed in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).


The following agreement covers the student’s use of Internet, intranet, Student Profiles, network and email. 

St Mary’s School provides all students enrolled at the school with Information Communication and Technology (ICT) facilities for educational use. Students may use these facilities for class work, research, the preparation of assignments. The resources provided include computers and peripherals, access to network resources, e-mail, and the Internet. Care must be taken to ensure the resources are protected from harm and that no users are exposed to materials considered offensive or illegal. Students and parents should carefully read the conditions below. 

To have access to the school’s ICT resources, students must agree to abide by the school’s Acceptable Use Agreement.

Conditions of Use 

  1. Only software purchased or approved by the school, and installed by the school, can be used on school equipment.

  2. Software copyright is to be observed at all times. It is illegal to copy or distribute school software. Illegal software from other sources is not to be copied to or installed on the school equipment.

  3. Students must respect intellectual property and adhere to copyright, software piracy and fair dealing laws associated with learning technologies.

  4. Students must follow the rules posted for the use and care of the computer equipment at all times.

  5. Students using the ICT facilities may only do so under the supervision of school staff. Any students not following staff instructions may have further access restricted or denied.

  6. Privacy and network security is to be observed. Students must not under any circumstances access personal files belonging to others, software or areas of the network which are not designated for their use.

  7. The sharing of passwords is a security risk consequently students must not give their password to other students or log in with another users name under any circumstances.

  8. All users must log off when leaving a computer.

  9. There should be no disruption to class activities by unauthorised broadcast messages across the school network.

  10. Virus protection is very important. If students use portable drives or discs to transfer work between the school network computers and computers outside the network, discs must be scanned for viruses prior to use on the school network. Virus checking software will be made available on the school computers for this purpose.

  11. Printing of materials of a personal nature or unassociated with school activities are not permitted unless approval is sought from a school staff member.

  12. The use of ICT facilities, specifically the Internet, is for educational, communication and research purposes only: 

Deliberate attempts to look for or download and use material that is illegal or which would be thought of as offensive is not permitted. Only materials required for school activities as directed by teachers may be downloaded. This includes downloading of MP3’s, MPEG’s and other large files. If students should unknowingly navigate to a web site that contains material that may be considered offensive, they must clear the screen immediately and notify the teacher.

- 2 - Acceptable Use Agreement for Students

Inappropriate language or harassing others when communicating online is not permitted.

Privacy and ownership of others’ work and materials from web sites must be respected at all times.

The use of on-line chat facilities and instant messaging must only be carried out under thesupervision of a staff member and must only be as part of educational on-line activities.

Safe Internetpractises must be applied. Personal details of students may only be provided online if permission is given by a teacher.

Note: Deliberate misuse of computer equipment and software or deliberate breaches of theconditions of this agreement may result in access restrictions to ICT facilities by the student(s) involved and result in discipline by school administration. 

By signing this agreement and using the equipment and resources of ST. MARY’S PRIMARY School, the student agrees to abide by these conditions for the length of his/her enrolment.


I understand the conditions under which ICT facilities are made available and agree to those conditions. I further understand that additional explanations have been provided to my child, copies of which can be obtained from the school upon request.

I understand that my child may be accessing the Internet for educational purposes or in accordance with this Agreement. I understand that any use of facilities contrary to this Agreement, or generally, will be treated as a breach of school discipline and shall be dealt with accordingly.

The school reserves the right to vary the terms of this Agreement to accommodate unforeseen circumstances relating to the use of facilities by students. Variations shall be in writing signed by the school Principal, and shall be distributed to students and shall take effect accordingly.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear